Thursday, April 26, 2012

Well, it's been a while since I posted.  Life has been hectic and kept me on my toes.  Spring break was a few weeks ago, and while I had all these plans to get stuff done, they were a bit overwhelming and I didn't even come close to completing them all.  That's okay's life.  At the end of spring break, my youngest stepped on a nail...while running! The poor thing had to miss another week of school after already being off for spring break.  She was so happy to return this week! 

I'll be having sinus surgery in a few weeks, so when that happens, you may not see me for a while while I recover.  Apparently I'll be staying in the hospital for at least one night.

In my last post I mentioned my ancestry search.  I'm telling you...if you haven't had a chance to check into your ancestry, DO IT!!!  It is so amazing to discover information that you never knew before.  I have so far found a relation to royalty in England, as well as a relation to the captain of a slave-trade ship; who was later knighted by the Queen of England!  Even the little things, like an emmigration date, is interesting to me.  At least give it a try!

Other than that, I am now the newest member of  I am excited to receive my first product to try and review!  Check them out if you're interested :)

Ta-ta for now! 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A little of this....

I'd like to say that my life is super exciting and that I have done so many things since my last post, but the truth is that I haven't.  I know that sounds lame, but it is what it is.  I have gotten quite a bit of new information from, which is very exciting.  Tomorrow I will have access to the information made available from the 1940s Census, and you don't know how happy that makes me.  This will give me just one more piece to my family's puzzle.  Other than that, I've been working and creating more wonders with yarn. 

Speaking of yarn, I FINALLY got my Etsy store set up.  Unfortunately, there isn't anything listed in there yet.  That's because I haven't had the time to do that.  I am hoping to be able to get to that this weekend as I have quite a few things to post, and a few more things that I am working on that will be ready in the next week or so.  I wish I could keep them all, but I just can't :)

The other thing I can't do is keep writing.  Unfortunately, I have statistics homework to do and against my wishes, it just won't write itself.  

Until the next time...

Sunday, April 1, 2012


This may seem a little different, but lately I have been hooked on researching my family's ancestry.  Let me tell you, I am hooked on using  In fact, I am officially an Ancestry Ace :)  This means that I'll be one of the first on the site to have access to the new information becoming available with the release of the 1940 census!  I am so excited about this as it means that I can now find even more information about my family, possibly some new tidbits that I didn't even know about.  If you haven't had a chance to research your history, I HIGHLY recommend it!  For me, it has been both mind-opening and addicting!  And lets face it, there are worse things I could be doing.  If you want more information, check it out here:  I promise, you won't be disappointed!